Hello everyone,
First, sorry for my english, it is far from being perfect. I hope I'll be clear enough concerning my problem.
I am actually a new COMSOL user and I would like to know if the specific problem I want to solve is possible on COMSOL. The problem I have already solved is the following one : - A fluid circulates trough a pipe from bottom to top. - The pipe outer diameter is submitted to a heat flux. - The fluid enter at a given temperature and mass flow rate. The stationnary study of this case worked perfectly.
The next study I would like to conduct is the following one: - A pipe is submitted to a heat flux on its outer diameter - A fluid enters the pipe from the bottom and its height level rises into the pipe (so the filling should be modeled) - The fluid may solidify at some specific areas if its temperature decreases under its solidification point - The radiation inside the tube should be taken into account
To sum up the physics of the problem, a fluid (that may solidify) starts filling a tube that is submitted to a heat flux on its outer diameter. Conduction through the pipe thickness occurs and than the fluid is heated by convection while it is filling the tube. The radiation inside the tube has to be taken into account.
I would like to know if this problem can be modeled at once on COMSOL (and not with 2 different simulations) and if yes, what would be your methodology to perform it ?
I thank you in advance for your help :)