There is great example in Comsol blog: "How to Calculate a Capacitance Matrix in COMSOL Multiphysics" (
All seems ok beside one point, i will be very thankful if someone can make it clear.
The question is: – According to equation for total charge of 1st conductor (Q1 = Cm11V1 + Cm12(V1 – V2) + ...), if we remove all conductors from the model beside 1st one, we obtain simple equation for capacity of single conductor Q1 = Cm11*V1.
– Consequently self-capacity of the first sphere Cm11 should be equal capacity of isolated sphere, that according to C = 4piEps0*r equals 11.3pF. But in example it equals 5.4pF (form mutual matrix calculation).
– Can someone tell please what the reason of this difference? Why Cm11 don’t equals capacity of single (isolated) sphere? Is there а something I am misunderstood?
Thanks for response.