Hello to all,
I have encountered an issue with Boundary Point Probes:
I have a code that creates Boundary Point probes (around 100) on a surface at evenly idstributed inervals on the Y direction (X and Z are constant) - I also specify the Expression and which Boundary it should belong. This works very well and if I clock on each probe I see the red dot moving on the surface boundary. I have also grouped the probes fo better handling.
The problem is that in the Definitons part of the model the coordinates are maintained (i.e. are what they suppose to be) for all probes, but in the Results part half of the probes have their X Y Z coordinates set to 0, 0, 0.
Now this is a big problem because I get NaNs for those probes.
Does anybody have an explination for this? Can it be a software bug?
Kidn regards, Ion