Dear community,
I am a student of engineering and I am preparing for my Thesis. I am currently using COMSOL 5.2a. I need to do technical noise modelling of a PCB. I did not find any examples or tutorials, which might help me apart from the microstrip_line_crosstalk.mph example, which I cannot run on COMSOL 5.2.
More specifically, I need to model: - Crosstalk - 1/f noise - Thermal noise - Bouncing - Ringing - Impedance mismatching … on a PCB.
I don’t have much experience on this, so I need support. Best would be to have state-of-the-art models, which include all or some of these phenomena in order that I can base on them for my further models. Can somebody support me on this or give me some hints how I can proceed?
Thank you very much, Maria