Hello all,
I have a thin plate modeled as 3D in solid mechanics module. On the top of this plate, I have places a mass-spring resonator (vibration absorber) (please see the attached figure) where I have modeled it in COMSOL using the lumped mechanical system. The helix spring is just for schematic where the actual 3D plate is shown in second figure. I coupled the two systems using the “External Source” from the lumped mechanical system and I exert the reactions from this external source to the solid 3D plate. The eigenfrequencies obtained from the eigenfrequency study matched perfectly with the in-house FE code. However, now I am trying to study frequency response to a harmonic force of an amplitude 1 while changing its frequency. Since I am applying the reaction forces from the external source of the lumped mechanical system to the 3D solid plate, how can I apply the harmonic force?
I tried to add something like this:
“-lms.E136_f2 + linper(1)”
where “-lms.E136_f2” is the reaction force from the external source and “linper(1)” is my harmonic force but still I could not succeed. I will be really appreciated if I can find an answer.
Thank you